“ A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step”. — Lao Tzu
I have always been passionate about writing. From a young age, I started documenting my life through diaries and journals. I would write my deepest darkest secrets on the lined pages of my notebooks, then carefully tuck them away from view. Putting pen to paper and seeing what words would spill out of my brain and onto the pages has always been therapeutic. Writing has been a constant in my life. Whether it’s a journal entry, a handwritten letter, or a strongly worded email, writing has always given me the freedom to express myself. As a card-carrying, textbook introvert, I often find writing a welcome escape when my social battery is running on empty. Of course, my writing has evolved over the years. My writing style and topics have changed. However, I’ve never lost my desire to communicate my thoughts, hopes, and dreams through the written word.
For the better part of the past year, I’ve been writing professionally for a travel and entertainment blog, and I’m proud to say I have over 200 published articles. I am incredibly grateful for the experience and mentorship I received in that role. That said, I couldn’t ignore the little voice nagging me to step out of my comfort zone and pursue the stories I wanted to tell. Today, I am embarking on a new writing journey, and I’m so happy to have you join me! Ramble & Prose is my travel and adventure blog, where I will highlight places I hope will inspire folks to get out and explore more. Each article will be a first-person account featuring my photographs, insights, and perspective. I’m happy to have you along for the ride. Let the journey begin!
Thank you for stopping by. I look forward to exploring with you! If you have ideas about places you’d like me to cover, send them my way! Who knows? Maybe your suggestion will make it into a future blog post! Don’t forget to follow Ramble & Prose on Instagram for more adventures, photos, and videos. Life is short. Get out and explore!